Pastoral Care
Key Features
1.Pastoral care in our school is interwoven with teaching and learning.Our small family setting makes children feel safe and secure.
2.Our happy, warm and caring environment enhances the personal, social and emotional development which is one of the prime areas of the Early Years curriculum.
3 S.M.I.L.E program from Playgroup to Upper Kindergarten teach emotional intelligence.Wondergrove learn curriculum and lego education provide hands-on learning for S.M.I.L.E activities.
4.In addition to this throughout the year we ensure there are opportunities for the students of different age groups to get together to do an activity or share lunch.
5.Our team of well qualified and trained practitioners support and encourage every child's needs in every aspect of the learning journey. Our practitioners get ongoing virtual training in wellbeing and care by Early Years Alliance (U.K)
6.The physical well-being and safety of the children is equally important.Every child on roll is insured under Child safety & accidental policy by National Insurance Co.
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