With vast experience of 36 years Ashish Nursery has researched and designed quality curriculum.Our curriculum is based on framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage.It ensures child’s school readiness’ and gives a child the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life.
The Upper Kindergarten is home to pupils of age 5 years.Teachers engage children in activities that promote S.T.E.A.M foundation skills preparing students for the structured, academic learning that begins in first grade.Learning activities that connect with Multiple Intelligences are embedded in daily class routine.Our children achieve excellent academic grades and are successful in gaining entry into schools of their choice.
Key Features :
- E.Y.F.S curriculum framework
- Creativity Action Service (C.A.S) activities
- WonderGrove learn multimedia life skill education
- Learning with Hands-On Games and Activities
- Early years Sports & P.E program
- Co-curricular activities program
- Educational Field trips (Both Physically & Virtually active trips)
- Class size is approximately 25 children + 1 teachers